Reasons to gather on the Lord’s Day this Christmas

Reasons to gather on the Lord’s Day this Christmas

– Because the Lord’s Day is a real day (Revelation 1:10), and the Lord’s Supper is a real supper (1 Corinthians 11:20).

– Because the church will be gathering *as* the church — the sacred assembly of Christ’s people.

– Because the choice of Sunday is not incidental or merely prudential, but the day of our Lord’s resurrection.

– Because we spiritually need such meetings as a means of grace. “Meetings of the church are enjoined upon us by God’s Word; and from our everyday experience we well know how we need them.” (John Calvin)

– Because it is especially fitting to celebrate the incarnation of our Lord by gathering and corporately worshipping him on the Lord’s Day.

– Because it is unfitting to celebrate our Lord’s incarnation by avoiding the gathering of his Bride. “Canceling church to celebrate Christmas is like avoiding your wife to celebrate your anniversary. It’s illogical.” (Dale Partridge)

– Because the Christian church is our forever enduring family which will outlast our own household units.

– Because it shows our supreme allegiance to Christ to our extended family who are visiting.

– Because Christmas is a time of year where visitors are especially anticipated. “Don’t mock nominal Christians for showing up only on Easter/Christmas… and then follow that up by giving them no where to go when Christmas falls on the Lord’s Day.” (Brian Moats)

– Because we should wean ourselves from overdependence on sound systems, bands, and nursery. “It is possible to have a worship service on Christmas Day without the normal amount of staff and volunteers.” (Tom Buck)

– Because cancelling the church gathering actually makes it more lonely for Christians without family.

– Because not everyone celebrates Christmas, and to cancel our church gathering would be to bind their conscience to Christmas.

“When a church unnecessarily cancels Lord’s Day worship, it doesn’t ‘free up’ Christians, but burdens them with human traditions and displaces God as Lord of their conscience.” (Steve Meister)

“Strange to me that so many Christian pastors think that they can best honor the Lord by neglecting His Day (which He forbids) so that they can celebrate His birth (which He never commands).” (Tom Ascol)

– Because Easter is also on the Lord’s Day. “I hate to tell pastors this, but Easter is also on a Sunday this year.” (Rob Deverell)

– Because we have nothing better to do.